Defensive Driving Blog

Tire Safety

Tire Safety TIps

So, everyone has done the tire penny test at some point in their lives right? You know how…put the penny upside down in the tire’s tread and if the groove is deep enough for Lincoln’s head to touch the surface of the tire, you got 2/32” (Texas minimum requirement in 2013). However, The Consumer Report has found that people should consider changing tires when the tread gets down to 4/32″. For that test you can use a quarter instead of a penny. When Washington’s head reaches the surface of the tire, you have your 4/32″ worth of tread left. See the illustration below:

online defensive driving tips

New tires also have ‘wear bars’. These are little bridges molded between the ridges of the tile. When the tire is worn enough for the bars to reach it’s surface, it is time to replace the tire.

defensive driver tire wear bars


Keep in mind, that’s only one indication of your tire’s quality and remaining lifespan. You should also always take in consideration the pattern in which the tire is wearing down. Is it even across or is the tire wearing down unevenly? If uneven, take the car to a tire shop, let them check the tires and, as soon as possible, heed their recommendations.

how tires wear

Another important factor is the proper inflation of your tires. Consumer Report has always advocated for drivers to check the proper tire pressure and this study from the NHTSA reinforces that advice. The finding was that if the tires are under inflated by 25%, vehicles driving on those tires are 3 times more likely to have accidents related to tires. Lots of new cars have built-in pressure sensors to let the driver know when it is time to re-inflate.

tips on pressure check

In case you don’t have such little gadget in your car, get a good old fashion pressure gauge…it will do the trick just fine.

Remember the tire is what keeps that beautiful car of yours, and ALL it’s contents, grounded on the pavement. It is arguably the most important element of your car safety.

Make sure to check your tires often, it’s easy, inexpensive…well at least ‘till you have to replace them, but worth every penny.



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